Natural Resource Management (NRM)

Natural resources are to be conserved and judiciously used as it is in the only Sustainable Resource for the existence of man and coming generations. Poor in the community are directly depending on nature for their livelihood. Spoiling Natural resources and nature will adversely affect the supporting system of the poor and can lead to ill effects of the future of life on earth.

Bodhana has formulated programmes to create awareness to the public on environmental conservation and protection. Consciousness leads to restricting the use of nature and its resources to the permissible limits. Emphasis is given to use untapped resources to the maximum with minimum stress to nature and without damage to BioDiversity.

Conducting training/seminars, the supply of quality seedlings, assisting people at grass root level in establishing and maintaining different agricultural and allied activities are some of the major responsibilities of this department.

Waste Management (Bio gas Plants, Vermi Compost)

Community members are unaware of the strategies that can be adopted for the proper management and processing of house-hold and other wastes. Adding to the complexity of the situation is the local government’s inefficiency to tackle the issue of improper waste management. An unmanageable increase in the quantity of wastes in the locality is thus resulted in. This not only pollutes the environment but also triggers the spread of different communicable diseases. For tackling the growing issues in the field of waste management, Bodhana initiated interventions in different dimensions, viz, sensitization programmes, training programmes, promotion of Bio-gas plants, promotion of vermin composting etc.

Drinking-Water Improvement Programmes (Water Filters, Rain Water Harvesting Tanks)

Acute shortage of drinking water could be considered as one of the causes for which the world may resort to another war. Despite having an abundance of water in Kerala, the problems associated with the availability of the adequate quantity of good quality drinking water is terrifyingly increasing. The sole factor responsible for the severity of the problem is the ignorance of the community regarding the judicious use of water. Bodhana promotes Rain Water Harvesting tanks (RWH tanks), Backwashing of wells, Implementation of Water Filter Units etc for addressing this need. Different models of the filter with varying storage capacities have been developed by Bodhana. Those are Homestead Filters, Chamber Filter, Immersing Filter, Motor Filter and Motor Filters.

Bio-Laboratory (Water Testing, Production of Mushroom Spawns)

Bodhana is maintaining a modern Laboratory. It caters the needs of the farming community and the general public. Service of water testing and soil testing facilities are open to the public at very nominal rates. Production of mushroom spawns, organic manure, Agmarking of Honey are some of the major activities carried out in this laboratory.

Sustainable Agriculture (Organic Farming, Seed/Seedlings Bank)

Kerala is witnessing an alarming situation in the form of the disappearance of farming and good agricultural practices. In addition to this, the use of chemical pesticides and manure has caused serious impacts on natural eco-system. The very existence of humans on the face of the earth is being threatened as a consequence of these hazards. In this context, Bodhana promotes organic farming practices as a strategic intervention to tackle the above-said issues. Another field in which farmers to support is the timely supply of quality planting materials. Bodhana has taken steps to supply Seeds and seedlings from its Central Nursery. Organic Farming, conducting various agriculture-based Training are the other major activities of the department.

Sustainable Energy Programmes (Solar Energy)

The only immediate and economic solution to the problem of energy, requirement in villages is sustainable energy management at the local level itself. Bodhana facilitates an important role in this field. Bodhana organizing awareness programmes on sustainable energy management at the village level among the SHG members and the general public. Solar energy is the most common and widely used source of energy everywhere. Bodhana distributes solar lamps at a subsidized rate. This helps people to reduce their electricity bills.